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An Employment Lawyer's Words About At-Will Employment

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How do you define at-will employment?

You are considered an at-will employee if you have the freedom to quit anytime you want to. Regardless of the reason, employers can also be able to fire an at-will employee anytime even without any valid reason at all. To get more info, visit california labor laws. If you have the freedom to walk into the office of your boss right now and tell him that you quit, then you probably are an at-will employee.

There are things that you need to know if you are an at-will employee:

When you will be fired, there is no need for an employer to tell you what the reason may be, and you will not be able to say that it is a wrongful termination to let you go.

No matter how your boss will fire you, it should certainly not be of any illegal reasons such as discrimination of one's nationality, medical condition, religion, race, and sexual orientation, even if you are an at-will employee.

If you are protected with a leave of absence, your boss is also not allowed to fire you for that reason.

If no reason is attached, will it still be alright for your boss to fire you?

There is nothing you can do if your boss will claim that he is firing you for no reason at all. Even if you are never tardy, is always doing a great job, and is everybody's favorite most especially with the clients, your boss can still fire you any time.

If you are not legally bound by a contract, then your boss can fire you anytime, especially if you are unable to show an implied contract or an express contract.

What is an express contract?

In usual cases, employers are not allowed to fire an employee if there is an employment contract. Dismissal of an employee would have to be of good cause as it is written in the employment contract which means that there should be a fair reason why an employee should be fired and not just any personal reason or something like that. To get more info, click los angeles employment lawyer. If this situation goes to court, the court usually looks for any damages in the side of the employee such as prevention of working efficiently for the business.

What are the things that an implied contract is composed of?

Another form of contract is the implied contract which is not a written contract but one that is derived from words, actions, and circumstances. In case this will happen, there is a tendency for the court to ask your employer for a good cause for your dismissal.